The way we communicate today has changed. Advances in technology and the media have meant that the way we interact is, on many occasions, more virtual than in person. This can give rise to the appearance of new phenomena, such as so-called “ghosting”. What is ghosting? It consists of ending some type of relationship by …
Learning left hand calligraphy
The setup is simple. We have the QWERTY keyboard and a big screen in front of us. There is a mouse and a secondary screen on the right side of the body. If we are lucky there is a third pivoted screen on our left, and the notebook under it. Now what? Why the obvious …
Positively happy
Is the pursuit of happiness reasonable? What will we find in it? Can we gamify the experience we call life? If we cannot pursue happiness, what is the next best thing? Is it money, experience, wisdom, or something entirely different? Today I selected many different links, not all of them working. See if you like …