What Is A Belief System? – Discover Its Importance In Our Lives

What is a belief system?

A belief system is a set of ideas, values ​​and principles that guide the actions and decisions of an individual. It is a framework through which individuals interpret the world around them and make sense of their experiences. Belief systems are deeply embedded in our lives and shape our attitudes, and even the strengths of …

What Is A Panic Attack: What Can We Do?


In 1871, Jacob DaCosta described a set of symptoms characteristic of soldiers during the American Civil War. Many of them manifested, during or after combat, a set of symptoms, especially cardiac and non-organic in nature. This description, which was called DaCosta syndrome, was pioneering in the study of panic attacks and disorders. Years later, in …

The Top 10 Applications To Digitize Documents: Streamlining Your Workflow With Efficiency

Applications to Digitize Documents

Documents are necessary for almost anything, but even more important is being able to send them digitally, since most of the procedures these days are carried out online. For this, it is essential to have a scanner, hardware that allows you to digitize all your documents and convert them into images and texts. If you …