Use of Big Data in School Management


Do you know what Big Data technology is for in education? Through data collection and analysis you can have at hand all the related information about your educational center to develop pedagogically efficient strategies and methodologies.

While there is no magic formula for schools to provide tailored learning experiences, data insights can shed light on the needs of your students, teachers, and learning environments through your “digital footprint.” left.

You might think that Big Data is a term attributed only to the technological field, but the reality is that, day after day, various industries add to it and, clearly, the education sector is no exception.

However, very few schools know what the applications of Big Data are in education and its impact on learning models. And today not only conventional data is needed about the educational system, but also detailed information that helps respond to each challenge.

It is necessary to deepen the use of technologies to make the collection and analysis of a sea of ​​data more efficient; so that a more comprehensive view of educational systems can be built.

What Is Big Data in Education? 

Big Data in education refers to the vast and complex sets of information generated within the educational ecosystem. It encompasses student records, assessments, learning outcomes, and various other data points collected through digital platforms, educational technologies, and administrative systems. The goal is to analyze this massive volume of data to extract valuable insights and patterns, enabling educators to make informed decisions. 

Big Data in education facilitates personalized learning experiences, identifies areas for improvement, and enhances overall educational outcomes. It also helps in predicting student performance, optimizing resource allocation, and tailoring teaching strategies. Harnessing Big Data in education holds the potential to revolutionize teaching and learning methodologies in the digital age.

Let’s look at the benefits of Big Data in the classroom and how you can anticipate the needs and deepest thoughts of your educational community. Get your magnifying glass ready and go from information to action!

1. Improves students’ academic performance

With the help of some tools present in the Big Data system, teachers can measure the level of learning during class. In fact, some educational management platforms allow information to be crossed and reports generated in real time, which is extremely beneficial for planning pedagogical practices that are capable of meeting the needs of students.

With the use of Learning Analytics it is also possible to analyze the performance of each individual, allowing teaching to be personalized. Thus, it is easier for teachers to identify learning difficulties and gaps. And, with this, propose a study plan more appropriate to the educational reality.

Simply put, tracking big data allows you to map school trajectories and improve student outcomes. Instead of using classic methods, you can use data logging to get an overview of performance.

For example, you can monitor certain actions such as how long it takes them to complete a school activity, what sources they use for a certain task, and what questions they skip on a test. Without a doubt, this type of analysis will provide very substantial and unique feedback to each student.

2. Automate administrative and financial management

Big Data analysis techniques are true allies of school management, since they can be used for various purposes. One of them is related to the management of the administrative and financial resources of an educational institution. With this technology, it is possible to verify variables in cash flow, such as retention and delinquency rates.

For example, there are indicators that are no longer valid as they were conceived; Basic data such as education coverage or enrollment entered a crisis, not only because of the difficulty of measuring them but because the situation they represent is different today. This is where Big Data and learning analytics make their triumphant entry!

Another of the great benefits of Big Data in education is that it allows you to adjust over time to avoid significant losses or have the possibility of foreseeing some investments in educational matters.

Therefore, it is vital to keep in mind that Big Data applications in education have the potential to transform and evolve administrative and financial management.

3. Detects students at risk of dropping out

Who wouldn’t want to anticipate what has not yet happened to prepare for the difficulties that may arise? I’m sure every educational center wants it! Therefore, Big Data analysis in the classroom will not only help you improve academic performance, but also predict the future behavior of students and prevent school dropouts.

Because Big Data is based on metrics, the tool can dig into monumental databases to discover certain patterns or predict future behavior. It’s like you have a crystal ball right in your hand.

With constant monitoring of each student, dropout rates and failure rates tend to decrease considerably in educational institutions that use Big Data in the classroom.

This predictive analysis facilitates access to attendance and dropout data, allowing you to see which students are likely to withdraw from classes or fail. This can be measured through the behavior shown by the student on the teaching platform, such as the time spent in classes and the grades obtained.

If you notice unusual learning behavior, you can react immediately and adjust the program on the fly. For example, you can increase interactive hybrid education tactics to avoid traditional methods, if that was the core of the problem.

The use of Big Data and Learning Analytics necessarily results in the incorporation of new active methodologies that can benefit from this data collection and analysis. So, by predicting the behavior pattern you can act in advance and offer solutions even before the problem becomes apparent.

4. Optimize the decision-making process

This massive data is available in real time and stored in the cloud, so you can make strategic decisions faster than ever. This is particularly useful during enrollment periods, when you are compiling student numbers for the next school semester.

So a school management platform that has a built-in data collection and analysis tool automates much of this tedious work and makes accessing information fast and easy, which can save you time and money in the long run.

Well, now you know to what extent Big Data contributes to improving education in general. In the digital age, where the power of data shines like never before, knowing the applications of Big Data in education and how to use this technology to your advantage will help you ensure that your school’s valuable data is processed and analyzed correctly. This way, you will be able to better understand your educational community, especially your students.

Challenges school management face in big data

School management faces numerous challenges when dealing with big data, which refers to the massive volume of information generated and collected by educational institutions. The integration of big data in schools has the potential to enhance decision-making, improve student outcomes, and streamline administrative processes. However, several hurdles must be overcome to harness its full potential.

  • One major challenge is data security and privacy. Schools handle sensitive information about students, teachers, and staff, making them vulnerable to data breaches. Protecting this information from unauthorized access and ensuring compliance with privacy regulations, such as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), poses a significant challenge for school management. Implementing robust cybersecurity measures and staying abreast of evolving privacy laws are crucial in mitigating these risks.
  • Another obstacle is the sheer volume and diversity of data. Schools generate a vast amount of data from various sources, including student records, attendance, assessments, and learning management systems. Managing and analyzing this diverse dataset can be overwhelming for school administrators. Implementing effective data storage, retrieval, and analysis systems becomes essential to derive meaningful insights and inform decision-making.
  • Interoperability and integration of different data systems also present challenges. Schools often use multiple software platforms for different functions, such as student information systems, learning management systems, and assessment tools. Ensuring seamless integration and data flow between these systems is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of the educational landscape. This requires standardized data formats and protocols, which can be complex to establish and maintain.
  • Furthermore, there is a challenge in building data literacy among educators and administrators. Many educators may lack the skills to interpret and utilize data effectively for instructional improvement. Providing professional development opportunities to enhance data literacy is vital to empower educators in leveraging big data for informed decision-making.

10 Big Data in Education Companies

Big Data has become a game-changer in various industries, and the field of education is no exception. As the demand for personalized learning experiences, efficient administration, and data-driven decision-making continues to rise, several companies have emerged as key players in harnessing the power of Big Data in education. Here, we explore 10 prominent Big Data in education companies that are making significant strides in reshaping the landscape of learning and academic management.

1. Knewton: 

Knewton is a pioneer in adaptive learning technology. The platform leverages Big Data to create personalized learning paths for students, analyzing their performance and adapting content in real-time to meet individual needs. This ensures a tailored educational experience, optimizing the learning journey for each student.

2. DreamBox:

DreamBox focuses on K-8 math education, utilizing Big Data to provide adaptive learning solutions. By collecting and analyzing data on students’ interactions with the platform, DreamBox tailors math lessons to individual strengths and weaknesses, fostering a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.

3. Cognii:

Cognii specializes in using artificial intelligence and natural language processing to assess and improve student writing skills. By analyzing students’ responses, Cognii provides instant feedback, helping educators understand individual learning patterns and enabling targeted interventions.

4. Kaggle:

Kaggle, now a subsidiary of Google, is a platform that hosts data science competitions. While not exclusively focused on education, Kaggle provides a space where data scientists and machine learning experts can contribute solutions to educational challenges, fostering innovation and collaboration.

5. Coursera:

Coursera employs Big Data to enhance online learning experiences. Through data analytics, Coursera identifies patterns in learner behavior, enabling course developers to refine content, delivery methods, and assessments. This data-driven approach contributes to the platform’s effectiveness in reaching a global audience.

6. Edmodo:

Edmodo is a social learning platform that incorporates Big Data to facilitate communication and collaboration among students, teachers, and parents. By analyzing user interactions, Edmodo aims to enhance engagement and tailor content to meet the diverse needs of its user base.

7. BrightBytes:

BrightBytes focuses on data-driven decision-making for educators. The company collects and analyzes various data points, providing actionable insights to help schools and districts make informed decisions about technology integration, curriculum development, and overall educational strategy.

8. D2L (Desire2Learn):   

D2L leverages Big Data to improve the learning experience in higher education. The platform uses data analytics to track student progress, identify at-risk students, and offer personalized feedback to enhance retention rates and overall academic success.

9. Blackboard Analytics:

Blackboard Analytics is an extension of the well-known Blackboard learning management system. It utilizes Big Data to provide institutions with insights into student engagement, course effectiveness, and overall learning outcomes, enabling educators to make data-driven decisions to improve teaching and learning.

10. Instructure:   

Instructure, the company behind the Canvas learning management system, employs Big Data to enhance the online learning experience. By analyzing user data, Instructure provides tools and insights that empower educators to personalize instruction, track student progress, and continually improve their teaching methods.


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