Leveraging Staycation To Boost Productivity And Creativity


Occasionally the best vacation we can get is a staycation. We can still get most of the benefits of expensive travel at a fraction of the cost. I address here the staycation we choose for ourselves. For COVID19 staycation reading here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. When staycation is recommended During …

10 Reason Why You Should Use A VPN When Booking A Hotel For Trip


In an era dominated by digital transactions and online interactions, the hospitality industry has undergone a profound transformation. Booking a hotel has become a seamless process, thanks to the convenience offered by numerous online platforms. However, with this convenience comes a pressing need for security, as the digital realm is rife with potential threats. One …

Get Inspired by Nature: 5 Things in New Zealand That Will Blow Your Mind


My honeymoon was in New Zealand. We spent a month in the most wonderful locations I have ever seen, doing extreme sports and relaxed hikes. It was the best vacation of my life. So I wanted to write about it for a while.  But nowadays New Zealand is a dream. Imagine my surprise when I …

The Importance of Spending Time with Friends for Your Mental Health and Better Lifestyle


In today’s fast-paced world, where schedules are tight and responsibilities seem never-ending, it’s easy to neglect one of the most crucial aspects of our lives: spending time with friends. While work and family obligations often take precedence, the significance of nurturing our friendships should not be underestimated. This article explores why spending time with friends …

Changing Travel Habits: How to Be a Better Tourist


Travel has always been an integral part of human existence, offering us the opportunity to explore new cultures, discover breathtaking landscapes, and create lasting memories. However, as the world continues to evolve, so too must our travel habits. In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the environmental and cultural impacts of tourism. …