Why You Deserve A Workation

Do you ever mistakenly take an all-nighter and wonder where the time has gone? Is your daily routine feeling repetitive and uninspired? It might be time for you to take a work vacation (commonly known as a workation, to some). 

Workations are great vacation options for singles and young professionals who want to explore the world without taking away from their coveted paid time off days. Traveling while working is an ideal solution for remote go-getters who deserve a much-needed break or detox from their everyday life. 

In this guide, we’ll explain the basics of a workcation and the telltale signs that you need one. 

What is a Workation?

A workation is exactly how it sounds — a mash-up of work and vacation. By vacationing while you do remote work, you can travel wherever you please (well, as long as it has a good internet connection) without sacrificing precious paid time off (PTO) days.

Both hotels and vacation rentals are great spaces for workations because there are usually dedicated office spaces for you to get work done while you travel. When planning your workation, make sure you reserve a place with a nice view so you can relish the sights of a new place while you work.

How To Take a Workation

First thing’s first, you need to request a workation through the proper channels before you start packing your bags on a whim. By clearing it with your manager (and taking off the proper travel days), you will have an anxiety-free remote work trip. 

Always make sure that you are setting the proper personal and professional boundaries during your workation, too. You don’t want to work too hard but you also don’t want to be lazy and slow to respond.

Signs You Need a Workation

Keep reading for telltale signs that you are in desperate need of a workation.

Cabin Fever Is Setting in

Are your home office walls closing in on you? Do you feel like you’re spinning around in circles doing the same daily tasks over and over again in the same rooms? It’s time to get out of your house and on the road toward your next workation. Cabin fever can cause you to lose sleep and have other negative consequences on your mental health. Sure, staycations can be great but workations are even better.

You Can’t Concentrate

If it’s 2 p.m. and you are rubbing your eyes and filling up your third cup of coffee to stay awake, you need to get out of your house. Although an afternoon walk may do the trick, it’s only a temporary solution. Book a vacation rental in Colorado or head to a white sand beach in Mexico. As long as there’s reliable WiFi, you can do your job successfully.

You’re Uninspired

Some days of remote work are better than others. Sometimes you may feel productive and excited to get work done, and other times you may feel like you’re burning the midnight oil. This can make you feel uninspired and temperamental in both spheres of your life. 

You Feel Depressed

Similar routines can make you feel like you’re circling a drain of monotony and can have consequences on your mental health. Burnout is a big cause of depression for remote workers because the same routine can make people feel bored with their lives. 

You Can’t Sleep

A lack of motivation and onset of depression can throw a wrench into one of the most important aspects of your life: sleep. Depressive thoughts from a monotonous work-from-home routine will lead to anxiety and stress, which will then make you toss and turn at night. So, in short: Depression causes sleep loss, which causes more depression. It can feel like a slippery slope. 

Benefits of a Workation

Now that you know it’s time to get out of the monotonous routine of a remote working lifestyle, you can reap the benefits of taking a workation.

Can Refresh You

Even the act of traveling can add a little happiness to your life. Staying in a new destination and getting pampered will refresh your body and spirit. Even staying somewhere with slightly better water pressure can enhance your mood tenfold.

Can Motivate You

If you feel like you’re dragging at work, a change of scenery can be just the thing to motivate you to do good work again. By realizing that you are even able to take a workation, you can become motivated and inspired.

It’s time to pack your laptop and take it somewhere new. Your workation is waiting for you! Whether you’re traveling to an isolated island bungalow (but remember — you need good wifi) or a five-star hotel in the middle of a bustling city, a change of scenery might be just the thing you need to help your burnout. 

We all deserve to be happy workers, and a work-life balance needs more “life.” Don’t be afraid to take a full-fledged vacation if you really need to get away and unplug for a while.


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