10 Apps To Track Every New Year’s Resolution And Achieve Your Goals

As the New Year rolls around, many people embark on a journey of self-improvement by setting resolutions. Whether it’s to get fit, learn a new skill, or improve mental well-being, achieving these goals often requires consistent effort and tracking progress. Fortunately, the digital age has provided us with a plethora of apps designed to help us stay on track. In this article, we’ll explore the 10 best apps to track every New Year’s resolution and turn aspirations into tangible achievements.

1. MyFitnessPal

MyFitnessPal is a powerhouse in the fitness and health-tracking category. It allows users to set personalized fitness goals, track their food intake, and monitor exercise routines. The app also provides a supportive community, making it easier to stay motivated and accountable. With a vast food database and integration with various fitness devices, MyFitnessPal is a go-to app for those aiming to improve their physical well-being.

2. Duolingo

For individuals aspiring to learn a new language, Duolingo is an exceptional companion. This app gamifies language learning, making it both engaging and effective. Users can set daily goals, track their progress, and even compete with friends. Duolingo’s bite-sized lessons are perfect for fitting language practice into a busy schedule, ensuring that your language-learning resolution stays on track.

3. Headspace

Mental well-being is a common New Year’s resolution, and Headspace is a leading app in the meditation and mindfulness space. It offers guided meditations, sleep aids, and mindful exercises to help users manage stress and improve focus. With progress tracking and personalized recommendations, Headspace is an invaluable tool for those striving to cultivate a calmer and more centered mind.

4. Goodreads

Book lovers often resolve to read more in the coming year, and Goodreads is the ultimate app for bibliophiles. Users can set reading goals, track the books they’ve read, and discover new titles based on their preferences. Goodreads also facilitates interaction with a vast community of readers, providing book recommendations and fostering a sense of literary camaraderie.

5. Todoist

Staying organized and productive is a common resolution, and Todoist is a top-notch task management app. With its intuitive interface and powerful features, Todoist helps users create and prioritize tasks, set deadlines, and track their productivity over time. Integrations with popular platforms like Google Calendar and Dropbox make it a versatile tool for achieving personal and professional goals.

6. Mint

Financial resolutions are prevalent, and Mint is an excellent app for managing money and budgeting. It allows users to track expenses, set savings goals, and receive personalized financial advice. Mint’s user-friendly interface and real-time updates make it easy for individuals to gain control over their finances and work towards their monetary objectives.

7. QuitNow!

Smoking cessation is a challenging but commendable resolution, and QuitNow! is designed to support individuals on this journey. The app provides a personalized plan to quit smoking, tracks the number of cigarettes avoided, and celebrates milestones along the way. With a supportive community and motivational features, QuitNow! is a valuable ally for those looking to kick the habit.

8. Strava

Fitness enthusiasts aiming to conquer new milestones in running or cycling should look no further than Strava. This app not only tracks activities using GPS but also allows users to set and achieve performance goals. The social aspect of Strava, where users can connect with friends and join challenges, adds a competitive and community-driven element to the fitness resolution.

9. Skillshare

Learning a new skill is a popular New Year’s resolution, and Skillshare offers a vast array of online courses to help users achieve this goal. From photography and graphic design to coding and cooking, Skillshare provides a platform for skill development. Users can track their progress, complete projects, and learn from industry professionals, making it an indispensable resource for lifelong learners.

10. Day One

Journaling is a powerful tool for self-reflection and personal growth, and Day One is a premier app for digital journaling. With features like photo integration, location tracking, and password protection, Day One offers a secure and customizable space for users to document their thoughts and experiences. Setting regular journaling goals can contribute to emotional well-being and provide a record of personal growth over time.

Tips to keep your New Year’s resolution

Making New Year’s resolutions is a tradition that many people embrace as a fresh start and an opportunity for personal growth. However, maintaining these resolutions throughout the year can be a challenging endeavor. To increase the likelihood of success, consider the following tips to help you stay on track and achieve your goals.

Set Realistic Goals:

Begin by setting achievable and realistic resolutions. Unrealistic goals can lead to frustration and disappointment, making it more likely for individuals to abandon their resolutions. Break down large goals into smaller, manageable steps, allowing for a sense of accomplishment along the way.

Prioritize and Focus:

Instead of making a long list of resolutions, prioritize a few key goals that are most important to you. Focusing on a smaller number of resolutions increases the likelihood of success, as it allows you to channel your energy and efforts more effectively.

Create a Plan:

Develop a detailed plan outlining the steps you need to take to achieve your resolutions. Break down your goals into actionable tasks and set specific timelines for each. Having a well-organized plan provides a roadmap, making it easier to stay on course.


Share your resolutions with friends or family members who can offer support and hold you accountable. Having someone to share your progress with can provide motivation and encouragement, making it less likely for you to abandon your goals.

Celebrate Small Wins:

Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements along the way. Whether it’s completing a week of consistent exercise or resisting the urge to indulge in unhealthy habits, recognizing and celebrating small wins can boost your confidence and motivation.

Be Patient and Persistent:

Change takes time, and setbacks are a normal part of the process. Be patient with yourself and recognize that progress may not always be linear. Rather than being discouraged by obstacles, use them as learning opportunities and stay persistent in your efforts.

Incorporate Habits Gradually:

If your resolutions involve adopting new habits, introduce them gradually into your routine. Sudden, drastic changes are harder to sustain. By incorporating small changes over time, you give yourself the chance to adjust and make lasting adjustments to your lifestyle.

Seek Professional Guidance:

If your resolutions involve complex changes such as weight loss, fitness, or financial planning, consider seeking professional guidance. Professionals in these fields can provide expert advice, personalized plans, and the necessary support to help you achieve your goals.

Track Your Progress:

Keep a journal or use a tracking app to monitor your progress. Regularly reviewing your achievements can provide motivation and help you identify areas that may need adjustment. It also allows you to reflect on the positive changes you’ve made.

Adjust and Reassess:

Be open to reassessing your goals and adjusting your plan as needed. Life is dynamic, and circumstances may change. If you find that a particular approach isn’t working, be flexible in adapting your strategies to better align with your current situation and objectives.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Why do people make New Year’s resolutions?

The tradition of making New Year’s resolutions stems from the desire for a fresh start. The beginning of a new year provides a psychological marker, motivating individuals to set goals and make positive changes in their lives. It’s a way to reflect on the past and look forward to the future with a renewed sense of purpose.

What are the most common New Year’s resolutions?**

While resolutions vary widely, some perennial favorites include losing weight, exercising more, quitting smoking, saving money, and learning a new skill. These goals often reflect common aspirations for physical health, financial stability, and personal development.

Why do many people struggle to keep their resolutions?

Maintaining New Year’s resolutions can be challenging due to a variety of factors. Unrealistic goals, lack of a clear plan, and insufficient motivation are common culprits. Additionally, life’s unexpected challenges can derail even the most well-intentioned resolutions.

How can individuals increase their chances of sticking to their resolutions?

Setting realistic and achievable goals is crucial. Breaking down large goals into smaller, manageable steps makes progress more tangible and achievable. Sharing resolutions with friends or family for added accountability and seeking support from like-minded individuals can also enhance the likelihood of success.

Is it better to have one big resolution or several smaller ones?

The answer varies from person to person. While some individuals thrive with a singular, overarching goal, others find success by focusing on several smaller resolutions. The key is to strike a balance that aligns with personal preferences, lifestyle, and the ability to stay committed.

When is the best time to make a resolution?

While the most common time for resolutions is the start of the new year, individuals can set goals at any time. The key is to choose a time that feels personally significant and provides the motivation needed for change. Some people prefer to set resolutions on their birthdays or during milestone events.

What are some alternative approaches to New Year’s resolutions?

Rather than setting specific resolutions, some individuals prefer to choose a guiding word or theme for the year. This approach allows for flexibility and encourages a holistic focus on personal growth. Others may adopt a continuous improvement mindset, making ongoing adjustments throughout the year.

How can one overcome setbacks in pursuing resolutions?

Setbacks are a natural part of any journey toward self-improvement. Instead of viewing setbacks as failures, individuals can see them as opportunities to learn and readjust their strategies. Maintaining a positive mindset, celebrating small victories, and seeking support when needed are essential components of overcoming setbacks.

Are New Year’s resolutions effective in the long run?

The effectiveness of New Year’s resolutions varies from person to person. Some individuals find great success and transformation through this tradition, while others may struggle to maintain their goals. Success often depends on factors such as commitment, realistic goal-setting, and adaptability to changing circumstances.

Should individuals revisit their resolutions throughout the year?

Regular reflection and adjustment of resolutions are recommended. Life circumstances, priorities, and personal preferences can change, so it’s important to revisit and, if necessary, modify resolutions to ensure they remain relevant and achievable.


In the digital age, achieving New Year’s resolutions has become more attainable with the help of specialized apps. Whether your goals revolve around fitness, learning, mindfulness, or productivity, there’s an app tailored to your needs. By integrating these apps into your daily routine, you can track your progress, stay motivated, and turn your New Year’s resolutions into lasting habits and accomplishments. Remember, success is not just about setting goals; it’s about the journey and the consistent effort you put into reaching them. Cheers to a year of growth, achievement, and realizing your fullest potential!

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